Just yesterday, my children and I went to visit some friends. We had a great time enjoying nature, picking red raspberries and visiting with farm animals.
I feel at peace when I am in these surroundings.
I am a country girl at heart...for sure!
This sweet little boy is my friends son. He is so adorable! He gobbles up raspberries like there is no tomorrow! Of course he eats them as he picks them! But, mostly his Momma picks them for him.
My friend and her hubby raise pigs. This little piggy (will eventually go to market) is a cutie, but I had a hard time with the smell! Umm...it was quite pungent on a 94 degree day! I have smelled cows before...stinky...but I can deal with it...but oh my...this was the first time I have ever smelled a pig pen! Sorry little piggy. I don't mean to offend...but oh my!!
Ah, the alpacas...now I can get close to these animals. I did not smell a thing! Ha Ha! They will come right up to the fence to greet you. I have secretly named them!
I call the white one Snowball.
The "hairdo" alone is killing me!

..and I named the brown one Snufalufagus!

These beautiful sunflowers were growing here and there and everywhere. I was not about to miss the opportunity to take some great photos!

Our kids!
Cute kids!

me...hoping the sunflowers will help me look beautiful!

Yesterday was just what the doctor ordered. It left me feeling happy and peaceful inside. I have been eating the freshly picked raspberries and searching through my recipes. I have decided to make Chocolate Chunk Raspberry Muffins. Oh ya!! I made these last year with berries that were picked from the same place!! The muffins were to die for! I will be posting the recipe and photos very, very soon!
Stay tuned!