Wow! Right now, my head is just all over the place...and I am loving it! There are SOOO many new things to try, and thankfully, I have actually been getting to some of them.
For instance...I finally made myself try this very easy.... very beautiful.... very delicious.... no-knead bread, that is baked in an
insanely hot Dutch Oven. It turned out perfect and was no bother at all! I am now
hooked and I am
never looking back....
ever! Here's the link to the recipe.
Simply So Good--Crusty Bread.
Another thing I am so
excited and ready to dabble in, is canning! I am planning to start out slow and easy...taking my time...learning all there is to learn, studying all there is to study, watching videos on YouTube, the whole nine! I am
bound and
determined to experience canning this Spring! So far, I have purchased a water bath canner, funnel, jar tongs annnnnnnd....this wonderful book, by Ashley English, called Canning and Preserving. It just arrived in the mail today and I am ecstatic! I flipped through it at the book store 2 days prior and decided this was the one....THE get me started. It is very informative and Ashley really spells it out....every little detail...and that is definitely me....I am such a detail person! Especially when it comes to've got to know what you're doing! I haven't made the purchase of a pressure canner yet {for veggies/low acid foods}. Not sure if I am ready for that yet! One thing at a steps!

I've come across a
wonderful website called
Sweet Preservation. It's
all about canning....
great information and
great recipes! Check it out! I have to admit.... I am nervous and don't want to mess up or make anyone sick!! I will be following the recipes and every single step to the letter! I believe I am finally confident enough to do it. will most definitely be reading about my canning adventures here on this stayed tuned for that my friends!
Another thing I've been into lately...... trying foods that I have never tried before..... things like Swiss Chard, golden beets, dandelion greens, turnips, parsnips, rutabagas, collard greens, and plenty more....these things have been on the grocery produce shelf forever, and I keep
passing them by. I have had beets before...but only the red ones...this is the first time I've ever seen golden.....they are a yellowish, orangey color.
I cooked with rainbow Swiss Chard for the first time last night, and it was fun! It was
great trying something new! Just look at the colors of this veggie! Just stunning and vibrant! I was reading how Chard is one of the most highly nutritious vegetables out there! That's pretty awesome, and that will definitely make it a contender for new foods winding up on our dinner plates!
I cooked it with chicken, shallots, and garlic in one big fry pan...all in a bit of olive oil and a bit of water. It turned out great! I got the recipe from the twister tie that was holding the stalks of Swiss Chard together in a bundle! How great is that!
By the way...I did not do the cheddar cheese part of the recipe...somehow, it just seemed to cheapen it. Cheddar cheese??? It just seemed was all this healthy food I was cooking...and then to top it with cheddar cheese! I don't think so!
Well, let me close with that.....that being the last subject for now. There are many other things that I've been excited about and they will be turning up here...sooner or later!
For now, have a great weekend and enjoy your blessings!