My favorite cookie of all time is Peanut Butter Blossoms. I can't resist the combined flavors of peanut butter and chocolate. It is my favorite combination! This cookie has been a part of my Christmas tradition my whole life.
I started baking when I was just a kid. I really can't remember how old I was, but I always remember my Mom telling us kids to each pick a cookie recipe of our choice and we would each make it by ourselves. My Mom would pick as recipe as well and if we had a friend over, they would pick a recipe too.
I remember all of us in the kitchen, the sounds of the oven ticking and cracking as it warmed to 375 degrees. I love that sound even to this day. I remember the big 3 ring binder Betty Crocker cook book on the kitchen table...the mixing bowls and wooden spoons, the flour, sugar, peanut butter, chocolate, coconut, chopped nuts, and powdered sugar. I remember thinking to myself that it was so exciting that we were making 4 or 5 different cookie recipes in one day. I thought that was unheard of and the greatest thing ever! Every one was happy and busy creating their own favorite cookie. I love those memories!
And so, the tradition of baking cookies has carried on to my own house with my own children. Some years I bake more than other years. This year I have made peanut blossoms, chocolate chip, my candy corn cookies - but with an M&M instead, chocolate shortbread Christmas trees drizzled with white chocolate and snickerdoodles. That is really not many compared to what I have made in previous years. Today, I plan to bake oatmeal with dried cranberries and pecans, and gingerbread men.
My 12 year old son has been asking to make gingerbread men for today is his lucky day. Maybe it will put him in a better mood. He woke up early today and said "I wouldn't even mind if I had to go to school today because it would make the day go faster." He wants tomorrow to get here so he can open presents and give presents.
Him and I made a fantastic breakfast together as Dad went off to work and my youngest slept in...scrambled eggs and sausage on toasted English muffins smeared with pancake syrup instead of butter. Holy cow! It was GOOD!! Breakfast made him happy, but since then he's been kinda "blah" and walking around the house with nothing to do. I even offered to play every game in the game closet with him...and he said "eh". I asked him if he would go on an adventure in the field to take photos of animals tracks in the snow...and he said "eh". I asked him if he would make a batch of cookies...and he said "eh". I asked him if he would look on the computer for a tutorial on how to make an Origami Christmas tree for me...and he said "uh...ok".
So anyhow, I reminded him of the true meaning of Christmas, told him to stop bugging his little brother and to remember that his attitude affects everyone...including be happy, find something to do, or take a nap, cause maybe he got up a little too early. gotta love 'em! Cause they're so lovable!!!
Here's my recipe for Peanut Butter Blossoms. This year I used dark chocolate Hershey kisses instead of milk chocolate and it was even better! Yum!

Hope you have a wonderful and peaceful Christmas Eve!