Oh yes!
Poached eggs on toasted Italian bread! Absolutely delicious! This is my favorite way to eat eggs! If you've never tried eggs this way..well..ya gotta try it..YA JUST GOTTA!
Ok...here's how ya make the magic happen!
1) fill pot or fry pan with 2 inches of water
2) heat water on medium-high heat
*While that's going on make some toast, butter it and have it ready to go on a plate

3) water will begin to simmer with teeny tiny bubbles
4) when the tiny bubbles begin to break the surface of the water...it's ready!
5) keep heat low enough that bubbles do not get too big or they will break the
whites of the eggs
6) grab 2 eggs...

crack 1 egg into measuring cup

7) hold measuring cup close to surface of water and pour eggs, one at a time into water.
8) cook eggs for 3 to 5 minutes until whites are set and yolks begins to thicken but
not get hard
9) scoop eggs out of water with slotted spoon

10)absorb water from slotted spoon on towel with egg still on spoon
11)place poached egg on buttered, toasted Italian bread
12)sprinkle with salt and pepper
13)if you like, you can cut slit into egg to reveal the gorgeous partially set yolk
These eggs could have been cooked about 30 seconds longer and the yolk would be a
little more set up. The egg on the right is actually cooked pretty well. But even still...oh my...it is just fine in my book! So very delicious!
14)pick up toast and eat with your hands..no forks and knives here people..just eat!
Here's a close-up of how the yolk should look. It should be soft and goopey, not runny, and somewhat stay intact.
P.S. I just wanted to show the difference between the color of the yolk of our own backyard chicken eggs and a basic, store-bought, white egg. Our free-range chicken eggs have a gorgeous, dark orange color, and the store-bought egg is a pale yellow.
Yummy! Yummy!
Now go make some poached eggs on toasted, buttered, Italian bread!
You won't be sorry!
I promise!
Stay tuned for my next post...Creamy Poached Eggs...simply put..it's eggs, poached in a rich cheese sauce, served on a toasted English muffin! Oh Mamma!