Oh yes...I've got that itch for summertime reading again!
When it comes to imagination and far off lands, there is nothing quite like the old classics.
I absolutely love finding these old vintage reads at my local, used book store.
I can pick them up for less than a dollar a piece.
What a deal!
And what great stories!
I especially love these quick reads, no more than half an inch thick, these books!
The writing style of way-back-when, really intrigues me.
It's nothing like today.
The language, it's so proper and charming!
I have thoroughly enjoyed reading all of these titles pictured above . . .
and I would love to share them with one of my readers!
* Kidnapped, by Robert Louis Stevenson
*written in 1886, first copyright 1958
A young man trying to claim his inheritance finds himself at the mercy of his wicked Uncle who wants the inheritance for himself. When he fails at trying to murder the boy, he sells him to pirates. The young man eventually manages to escape and finds himself on a very long adventure trying to seek his fortune.
*written in 1886, first copyright 1958
A young man trying to claim his inheritance finds himself at the mercy of his wicked Uncle who wants the inheritance for himself. When he fails at trying to murder the boy, he sells him to pirates. The young man eventually manages to escape and finds himself on a very long adventure trying to seek his fortune.
* Seventeen, by Booth Tarkington
*first copyright 1915
A 17 year old named Willie falls desperately in love with a young lady named Miss Pratt. She is his first crush and he tries so desperately to do the right thing, say the right thing and wear the right thing, all in attempts to charm the young lady right into his arms. This story has many moments of hilarity and I think we can all remember back when we wanted so much to impress someone. It was especially interesting reading the point of view of a young man...definitely entertaining!
* The Light In The Forest, by Conrad Richter
*first copyright 1953
A young boy of 2 years old was taken captive by Native American Indians. He was raised by them, just like a son, until he was 15 years old. Suddenly the white man has made a deal with Indians to turn over all of their white captives. When the young white boy is returned to his family, it is not the happy homecoming that everyone expected. Find out how this boy fares being forced back into his white family he has no memory of.

Also included in this giveaway is this set of 3 bookmarks, handmade by me!
I had so much fun making them, and I hope you will enjoy them!

*first copyright 1915
A 17 year old named Willie falls desperately in love with a young lady named Miss Pratt. She is his first crush and he tries so desperately to do the right thing, say the right thing and wear the right thing, all in attempts to charm the young lady right into his arms. This story has many moments of hilarity and I think we can all remember back when we wanted so much to impress someone. It was especially interesting reading the point of view of a young man...definitely entertaining!
* The Light In The Forest, by Conrad Richter
*first copyright 1953
A young boy of 2 years old was taken captive by Native American Indians. He was raised by them, just like a son, until he was 15 years old. Suddenly the white man has made a deal with Indians to turn over all of their white captives. When the young white boy is returned to his family, it is not the happy homecoming that everyone expected. Find out how this boy fares being forced back into his white family he has no memory of.

I had so much fun making them, and I hope you will enjoy them!
To enter my Summertime Reading Giveaway,
leave a comment below,
I will choose one of you at random.
Drawing will be held on
Monday, July 9, 2012.
Good Luck!
Happy Reading!