Today I entered my very first photograph contest. The contest was through the blog She has contests fairly often and I've been inspired to enter!

This is the photo I entered. I took this shot in February the morning after we got 18 inches of snow!! It was truly a winter wonderland! When I looked at the photos that were submitted so far today, I was awestruck! I was so proud of my photo...and still am, but geez!!! I don't think I stand a chance! But that's ok, it's just fun to be a part of it! When I last checked, there were over 60,000 entries!!
very nice bonnie....i checked out that blog and the other pics too...well obviously not all the pics. When you see other pics... it motivates you to do different things with the camera. You know I have a blog...I thought I told you before... it was ob blog spot then I moved it to apple....cancelled that and now at blogspot...mine is not real creative and I had not posted in forever but again you motivated me to keep up w/ it so I can keep w/ pics and the kids on there. its